Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

Nge-Charge pake matahari? Ada nih Solar Charger buatan Yolk, Tertipis didunia

Kalian sudah pada tahu belum dengan solar charger buatan yolk ini? ini adalah Solar charger tertipis didunia
•Thin, Light, Fast: With Solar Paper we’re making the thinnest and lightest solar charger that can reliably charge your smartphone in about 2.5 hours on a sunny day. That’s about the same as a wall charger.

•Goes Anywhere: Solar Paper is so lightweight that outdoorsy types can clip it to a backpack and charge while hiking. Urban adventurers can easily slip it into a jacket pocket or notebook.

•Reliable and Easy to Use: Most solar chargers shut down and need to be manually reset after a cloud passes overhead and the voltage drops. Solar Paper automatically resets itself so you can keep charging, hassle free.

•Expands with Magnets: The basic 5 watt Solar Paper can charge your smartphone on a sunny day. If you need more power to charge a tablet, or to charge on a cloudy day, you can click new magnetic panels into place.

•From the same team that brought you SOLARADE, backed by 1,025 people in 2014.

Current Status

•We broke through our initial $50,000 in a matter of days, but we’re excited to see so much more interest.

•For the first batch, which we plan to ship in September 2015, we’ve already ordered all the components except for the solar panels.

•We plan to ship the second batch of Solar Paper chargers in October or November 2015.

We blasted through our first $250,000 stretch goal, so everyone who orders Solar Paper will also get four carabiners to attach it to a backpack. Please help us hit our second $500,000 stretch goal, so we can throw in a free pouch.

Rabu, 22 Juli 2015

first post

Assalamualikum wr wb.
Akhirnya blog techtucks ini tercipta juga berkat kalian semua sebagai pembaca utama saya. saya sangat senang sekali. dalam postingan saya yang pertama ini, blog ini saya akan khususkan untuk menulis artikel yang berkaitan dengan teknologi
disini, saya akan kupas tuntas dengan keseluruhan post yang berkaitan dengan teknologi saja. karena apabila saya mencampur campur aduk sepertinya menjadi tidak enak dilihatnya. oleh karenanya, saya membuat blog baru ini bertujuan untuk menshare apa yang ada dipikiran saya tentang teknologi.
mungkin ini saja dari kami,
Thankyou, Wasslmkm wr wb